Shannon-Weaver: The Decoder
Just as a source needs an encoder to translate her purposes into a message, so the receiver needs a decoder to re translate. If you…
Just as a source needs an encoder to translate her purposes into a message, so the receiver needs a decoder to re translate. If you…
For communication to occur, there must be somebody at the other end of the channel. This person or persons can be called the receiver. To…
Feedback is a vital part of communication. When we are talking to someone over the phone, if they don’t give us the occasional ‘mmmm’, ‘aaah’,…
The first step in developing an advertising program is to get the advertising objectives. These objectives must flow from prior decisions on the target market,…
Advertising is defined as any paid from on non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. Advertising could be through…
Four common methods are used to set a promotion budget:- Affordable method:- Many companies set the promotion budget at what they think the company. Percentage…
Ideally, the message should gain attention hold interest, arouse desire and direct action (AIDA model). Formulating the message will require solving problems like:- what to…
The steps involve in deciding on the media are desired reach, frequency and impact; choosing among major media types; selecting specific media vehicles . Deciding…
Media planners make their choice among telephone, newspapers, television, mail , radio and outdoors by considering several variables, the most important being:- Target Audience media…
The media planner relies of media measurement service that provide estimates of audience size, composition and media cost. Audience size has several possible measures –…