Advertising: Deciding on the message

Ideally, the message should gain attention hold interest, arouse desire and direct action (AIDA model). Formulating the message will require solving problems like:- what to say, how to say it logically, how to say symbolically and who should say it.

Message Content:- The communicators has to figure out what to say to the target audience to produce the desired response. This process is variously called appeal, theme, idea or unique selling proposition. There types of appeals can be distinguished-

  1. Rational appeal- appeal to the audience’s self interest. They show that the product will produced the claimed behalf. Ex. Would be message demonstrating a product’s quality, economy, value or performance.

  2. Emotional appeal attempts to stir up some negative or positive emotions that will motivate purchase. Communicators have worked with fear, guilty and shame appeals in getting people to do things they should or stop doing things they should not. Communicators also use positive emotional appeals such as humour, love, pride and joy.

  3. Moral appeals are proper. They are often used to exhort people to support social causes such as cleaner environment equal right for woman and aid to the disadvantaged.

Message Structure:- A message effectiveness depands on its structure as well as its contents. Order of presentation raises the question of whether a communicator should present the strongest argument first or last. The strongest message first has the advantage of establishing attention and interest. This is important in newspapers and other media where the audience does not attend to the whole message.

Message Format:– The communicator must develop a strong format for the message. In a print ad, the communicator has to decide on the headline, copy, illustration and color. If the message has to be carried over the ratio, the communicator has to carefully choose words, voice quality and vocalization.

Message source:- Messages delivered by attractive sources achieve higher attention and recall. Advertisers of the use celebrities as spokespeople. Pharmaceutical companies want doctors to testify about their products, benefits, because doctors have high credibility.

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