Types of Principles of personnel management


We are presenting the generally accepted principles of Personnel management as under.

1. Principle of Maximum Individual Development: The principle emphasise on the development of each individual. As every individual differs in nature and character, the personnel administrator should recognise the potential characteristics of each individual and provide the opportunities to develop those characteristics to the best use of the organisation. Maximum individual satisfaction should be the hypothesis of the personnel Policies.

2. Principle of Scientific Selection: As the management is to get the work done by the people, so, it is necessary that their selection should also be made on scientific basis. There mus be a proper co-ordination between the man an the job. A right man should be selected for the right job. A man will work efficiently on the job in which he is most interested otherwise the quantity an quality of product will be badly effected. Therefor a scientific system of selecting the personnel should be developed n organisation.

3. Principle of High Morale:
In order to achieve the primary objectives of the personnel management, it is very necessary to keep the morale of the workers high. They should be motivated persistently and consistently in pursuit of a common goal. Several factors should be studied so a to motivate the people at work in the right direction to get the desired results. A few monetary and non-monetary incentives, such as introduction of an ideal wage system, provision of bonus, gratuity, better working conditions, facilities of training, labour welfare and social security schemes which help motivating the personnel.

4. Principle of effective Communication: There mus be an effective system of communication upwards and downwards so that the messages-facts, ideas, attitudes and opinions-may be conveyed from top level to down to the workers and vice versa. If an idea or fact is not understood by the other party to whom it is meant, the purpose of communication cannot the fulfilled and may create misunderstandings, and may develop indiscipline among the workers.

5. Principle of Dignity of Labour: Labour must b given a due regard in the organisation. A feeling that ‘work is worship’ should be developed among the workers. His work must be praised so that his ego may be satisfied.

6. Principle of Tam-Spirit: Co-operation is the key of all successes. Workers should get it realised that their work as a team can only accomplish the primary goals of the orgnaisation. They should feel their joint responsibility. Personnel development must come forward to educate the workers so that they may extend their co-operation to the organisation.

7. Principle of Fair Reward:
In order to maintain industrial peace, it is essential that the workers mus be rewarded properly for their work. Otherwise their cooperation to the organisation will be farce. We cannot expect better industrial relations without giving them fair compensation for there work. So it is the duty of the personnel management to arrange for the fair wages to the workers to that their needs may be satisfied an they may work efficiently free form all anexities.

8. Principle of Co-partnership:
The philosophy of Industrial Democracy has been widely recognised in the industrial field to improve labour management relations. Under this principle workers are given a due participation in the management of the enterprise so that they may realize that they are partners n the prosperity of the organisation and their interest and the interest of the management are the same. Personnel management should provide an atmosphere for the workers participation in the management.

9. Principle of Effective Utilization of Human Resources: The personnel management has been evolved to utilise the available human resources in the best manger possible so as to achieve the organisation objectives effectively. Personnel management is nothing but an art to get the work done by the people, to get the desired result. For this purpose work should be given humanly treatment in the organisation.

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