Communication Pitfalls and Barriers

Communication is never perfect, since every person has different percerption of a thing or a situation. Some pitfalls are natural and other are due to lack of knowledge of communication principles. Bias of the sender or receiver is another reason for the noise.

  1. The message he intends to send

  2. The message he actually send

  3. The message the other person actually receives

  4. The response the other person intends to send

  5. The response the other person actually send

Some Specific Barriers

  1. Wrong assumption

After one has sent the message he assume that it would reach the destiny. He may be wrong.

  1. Lack of planning

Haphazard Communication will bring no better results. You must plan before you communicate.

  1. Poor Planning of communication

Poor planning and design of communicatrion distorts the message. Chosen words impropert punctuation poorly organized ideas, wrong grammer and incorrect sentences structure make the message vague and incomprehensible. Unplanned message may miss some important information. Messages should be well-planned and organized.

  1. Loss in each successive transmission

Accuracy and retention decreases at every successive transmission. Findings show that employee retain only 50 percent and supervisors 60 percent of the information received. Another study shows that only 20 percent of the oral information reaches the fifth successive level.

  1. Poor listening

Talker are more than listeners. People like to talk more than listen. They find it difficult to concentrate. When they listen they tend to judge approve or disapprove what the other person says, rather than trying to understanding the viewpoint of the speaker.

  1. Distrust and fear

Another important area of ineffective communication is distrust fear treat and lack of confidence.

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