Direct marketers fear the junk mail that is nothing but ineffective direct mail. The following factors lead to junking. Wrongly targeted direct mail Unattractively produced…
Direct marketers fear the junk mail that is nothing but ineffective direct mail. The following factors lead to junking. Wrongly targeted direct mail Unattractively produced…
General Advertising DM Reaches a mass of buyers in broad groups, shares common demographic and psycho graphic profile. Sells to individual customers definable by name,…
If the advertising is designed and its specific purpose is to generate an immediate enquiry or an order, it is called Direct Response ads. BE…
Imagine several thousands mailings received by Indian doctors. The clutter is too much.
Direct marketing is relevant only when margins in the business can afford the cost of sustained contact. Cost per thousands is much higher. First we…
In terms of overall looks, they must look the best in the category. Writing is very important, and writing letters in not easy. Copywriters in…
Drayton Bird, Vice Chairman, O & M Direct world wide, defines it as “any activity whereby you reach your prospect or customer (read doctor) directly…
Direct Marketing is an attempt to approach the customers directly. It is a personal approach to consumers. This direct approach may be through sales letters…
Public Relations can be defined as: “ Building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image,…