Image via Wikipedia
- Most critical components of learning
- Most difficult to measure
- All students are motivated. The question is: Motivated to do what?
- The intensity and direction of motivations are often difficult to separate
- Important in getting students to engage in academic activities
- Also important in determining how much students will learn from the activities they perform or the information to which they are exposed
- Students who are motivated to learn something use higher cognitive processes in learning about it
- Motivation can be a personality characteristic; individuals might have lasting, stable interests in participating in such broad categories of activities as academics, sports, or social activities
- The cycle of motivation…
Internal process that activates, guides, and maintains behavior over time
Vary in both intensity and direction
o Need (lack)
o Drive (due to tension)
o Behavior (goal-directed)
o Satisfaction (release of tension)
* The cycle goes on and on…never ending…!!!
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