Strategic Management

Need for Global Expansion

Expanding globally allows companies to increase their profitability which is not possible to purely domestic enterprises. Companies that operate internationally can i) earn a greater…

Unique Competencies

Unique competencies are defined as “unique strengths that allow a company to achieve superior efficiency, quality, innovation, or customer responsiveness.” Such strengths are typified by…

Location Advantages

Location advantages are those that occur from performing a value creation activity in the most advantageous location for that activity- in whichever part of the…

Experience Curve

Experience curve refers to the systematic decrease in production costs that occur over the life of a product. Learning effects and economies of scale lie…

Responsiveness to Local Needs

Pressures for local responsiveness crop up due to differences in consumers’ tastes and preferences, differences in infrastructure, differences in distribution channels, and the demands of…


Licensing is an arrangement by which a foreign licensee buys the rights to produce a company’s product in the licensee’s country for a negotiated fee….