Virtually all companies talk about innovation and many may actually attempt to “do it”, but only a few actually succeed in doing it. To be creative, an organization requires an innovation strategy, a strategy that promotes the development and implementation of new products and services. The origin of creativity and innovation lies in a shared vision and mission, which are focused on the future. Furthermore, the vision and mission of a creative and innovative organization are also customer and market oriented- focusing on solving customers’ problems among other things. In addition, a structure that supports creativity and innovation, values like flexibility, freedom and cooperative teamwork is required to promote creativity and innovation. Support mechanisms should be present in an organization to create an environment that will promote creativity and innovation. Rewards and recognition and the availability of resources, namely time, information technology and creative people, are mechanisms that play this role.
Innovative companies appear to rely heavily on personalized intrinsic awards, both for individuals as well as groups. Less innovative companies tend to place almost exclusive emphasis on extrinsic awards. Extrinsic rewards are things such as pay increases, bonuses and shares and stock options. Intrinsic rewards are those that are based on internal feelings of accomplishment by the recipient. Highly innovative companies appear to place equal emphasis on the technical side as well as the social side of the organization. In other words, they look to nurture not only technical abilities and expertise but also promote a sense of sharing and togetherness. Slack is the cushion of resources, which allows an organization to adapt to internal and external pressures. Slack has been correlated positively to innovation. Moreover, it is not just the existence of slack but also the existence of slack over time that appears to have positive impact upon innovation.
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