Appeals and Buying Motives
Both these are closely related concepts. Appeals are cues or provide stimulus. Appeals are made because there are buying motives leading to action. Appeals are…
Both these are closely related concepts. Appeals are cues or provide stimulus. Appeals are made because there are buying motives leading to action. Appeals are…
We have just now stated that, in some cases, big doses of fear are recommended, whereas, in others, the use of low levels of fear…
Positive appeals highlight product benefits and attributes capable of influencing consumer behavior. They are love, humor, pride, prestige and joy. Most baby food products have…
Moral appeals are those appeals to the audience that appeal to their sense of right and wrong. These are often used in messages to arouse…
Sex appeal is being increasingly used in Indian advertising to overcome the culture in the print as well as broadcast media and to grab attention….
Sometimes advertisers are explicit about the need to which they are appealing, whereas, at other times, appeals are veiled or purposely kept ambiguous, and the…
(i) Feature-oriented Appeals: The basic message is about product features, characteristics and attributes. Examples: Instant Shine, Cherry shoe polish, ”Promise,” the unique toothpaste with the…
(i) Attitude-oriented Appeals: The basic message is one that is in line with the consumer’s attitude – his value – belief structure. Example: The ad…
Selling points are those product attributes that are listed in the advertisement copy to impress upon the consumer the significance of a product to him….
(i) It must be thematically sound.(ii) It must be communicative.(iii) It must be interesting.(iv) It must have credibility.(v) It must have finality and be complete.(vi)…