14 Functions of the Advertising Department

013140413x 01314014164 Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, 16/E Test Item File with Instructor's Resource Center on CD W. Ronald Lane, Karen Whitehill King, J. Thomas RussellJust as the organizational structure of an advertising department varies, the activity profile also is subject to change from one organization to another. Kleppnerir?t=vishaalslair 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=0136110827 has identified 14 activities, which include all the major functions an advertising department in a manufacturing organization is supposed to carry out. These are:ir?t=vishaalslair 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0019TGZE6

1. Determine in consultation with top management the advertising goals, the advertising budget, and the advertising plan.

2. Help select the advertising agency.

3. Set up a plan of activity, allocating which work is to be done by the agency and which by the advertiser. Establish with top management the internal division of such non- commissionable duties as sales promotion, research and public relations.

4. Transmit the policy and problems of management to the agency; keep it informed of changes in marketing strategies and other related areas.

5. Decide upon the proportion of the appropriation to be assigned to different tasks in the advertising programme depending upon the importance of these tasks.

6. Approve the plans for advertisements by the agency and by others who work on the advertising problems.

7. Prepare, purchase and issue sales material – point-of-purchase displays and direct mail, including receipts, dealer advertising service, premiums (unless company has separate premium departments).

8. Prepare, issue and control billing of corporate advertising.

9. Keep the sales force informed of forthcoming advertising.

10. Prepare portfolios of advertising for the salesman’s use in showing advertising to the trade and to other distributors.

11. Work with the sales department in preparing special programmes.

12. Prepare instruction manuals for those who will sell and use the product; all in all, do everything possible to make the most effective use of the advertising investment.

13. See that all mail enquiries are answered with mailings as required.

14. See that all bills are properly checked; keep an account of funds and prepare proper reports for management.

The ad manager in charge of an advertising department has both managerial and operational functions. He is responsible for interacting with agencies and the media. He pays attention to outdoor aids. He takes part in campaign planning and media planning. He frames an ad budget, and allocates it. He is responsible for broadcast media. He gets POP prepared. He is the man behind SP and merchandising. He maintains press relations, and PR functions. He brings out a house-journal. He is appointed on the basis of his knowledge of advertising and journalism, his knowledge of the industry, his management background, and his marketing background. He maintains a good clientagency relationship so essential for the success for the campaigns.

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