Introduction to Human Resource Management

Authority– the right to command action from others

Effective – delivering the right services in a way that citizens fell is appropriate

Efficient – delivering of services at the lowest cost

Human Resource Management– deals with the designs and implementation of systems in an organization to insure the efficient and effective use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals. HRM is a proactive approach

Job Analysis is the systematic investigation of work content and worker qualifications

Line Management– those units that are directly involved with the production of the organization’s goods and services. Manufacturing, service, and governmental organizations all have line units

Organization – a group of people working together in a coordinated effort to achieve a set of objectives. The organization’s success in achieving objectives is a function of how well resources are managed. They improve by using their resources more efficiently and effectively

Productivity-ratio of output (services) to inputs (people, revenue, equipment, etc.)

Staff -functions in an advisory capacity to serve the line units of an organization. Primary function of staff departments is to provide support to line departments in attaining objectives efficiently and effectively

Theory Z – is a component of TQM. It is a style of management that involves participative management, employee empowerment, and focuses on customer satisfaction

Total Quality Management– (TQM) employs statistical methods and benchmarking of products and services against industry standards to ensure continuous quality improvement of organizational activities. This management approach is based on the postwar Japan works of W. Edwards Deming. It is a set of principles and practices whose core ideas include understanding customer needs, doing things right the first time, and striving for continuous improvement. Human resources is integrated with the TQM process in the selection and placement of employees based on problem-solving skills, cross-functional training, autonomous work teams, team-based performance appraisal, group incentives, and horizontal career paths.


  1. Financial

  2. Physical

  3. Information

  4. Human resources


  1. Service

  2. Advisory

  3. Policy Control

  4. Employee Advocacy

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  1. thank’s

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