Direct Analogy: This involves looking for parallel facts, knowledge, or technology in a different domain from the one being worked on. For instance, can we think of anything similar that occurs in nature?
Personal Analogy: With this approach, synectics group members try to identify psychologically with key parts of the problem. In one case, for example, the group was asked to design a mechanism that would run a shaft turning at 400 to 4000 rpm so that the power-takeoff end of the shaft would turn at a constant 400rpm. To address this question, members of the group metaphorically entered the box and tried to use their bodies to attain the required speed without undue friction.
Fantasy Analogy: Sigmund Freud saw creativity as the fulfillment of a wish or fantasy. Fantasy analogy asks how in many wildest dreams can I make this happen? Gordon gives the example of a synectics group with the task of inventing a vapourproof closure for space suits. Their solution was a spring mechanism based on the fantasy analogy of rows of trained insects clasping claws to hold shut the closure.
There is more to synectics than just the use of analogy. The technique follows a structure problem-solving sequence in which a client and other participants interact to develop a workable solution to the client’s problem. For instance, after the problem has been introduced and discussed, there is a “Springboards” stage in which the problem is opened up by asking the client to convert concerns, opinions, and desires into statements such as “I wish…” or “How to …”. Later, after an initial idea has been developed and refined, an “itemized response” stage requires the client to think of three useful aspects or advantages of the idea and to generate key concerns. Still later, after the group works to modify the suggestion to overcome these concerns, the “possible solution” is checked for elements of newness and feasibility and whether there is sufficient commitment to the solution to take additional steps. Finally, the client lists actions to be taken to implement the solution, including timing and the personnel to be used.
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